Hangzhou Bestli Biotech Co., Ltd.,established in Hangzhou MedicinePort Townin February 2021.
Hangzhou Bestli Biotech Co., Ltd.
focusing on the research and development, manufacture, integration and serviceof In Vitro Diagnostic Reagents and Equipment, the products cover the immune, microbiology, biochemistry, molecular detection field.
provide comprehensive product solutions and overall services for community graded diagnosis and treatment under the new situation. 
Company Profile
Founder -Xiaodong Zhao
Xiaodong Zhao, visiting professor of University of Virginia, PhD of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, graduated from The Department of Automation of University of Science and Technology of China in 1994 with a Bachelor of Engineering degree. Graduated from the Department of Automation, University of Science and Technology of China in 1999 with a master's degree in engineering. In 2004, he graduated from the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology with a ph. D. degree. He has applied for 28 invention patents and obtained 16 authorized invention patents. He has published more than 50 high-level research papers in related fields. His research achievements have won many awards, including the second prize of Science and Technology Progress of The Ministry of Education and the third prize of Science and Technology Progress of Zhejiang Province.  
Excellent Products and Services
Hangzhou Bestli Biotech Co., Ltd. always adheres to the mission of serving human health with excellent products, the vision of becoming the backbone of the biological diagnostic reagent industry, the concept of the pursuit of perfection and the ultimate, and the value of being with people and things will return to others. We will accelerate the research and development of advanced product technology, constantly develop new areas, with innovative technology, superior products, we will give back to the new and old clients to our trust and support, forge ahead hand in hand to create a new era of medical undertakings.